Great Educational Resources

Choosing Your All-Time Classic Guide to College-Level Writing

If you are a college student, or a college professor, you may have noticed the crowded field of classic guides offering aspiring writers a complete system for improving composition skills. Here at we happen to sell lots of these books every day so we thought we’d check in on which writing books have made an impact over time. We did some digging and as it turns out, there are also quite a few well-recommended editions that you should take notice of beyond just the very popular Strunk and W…

Class Without Textbooks? Promises Free Textbook Replacement

Boundless, "the Free Textbook Replacement," is a revolutionary new service that is promising to completely redefine how students access information. "The future of educational content isn’t going to look anything like a textbook," says their website. Boundless collaborates with leading experts from Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Berkeley and others to vet and research the best Open Educational Resources (OER) in the world.

For over 20 years, leading educators and institutions have been creating high quality, openly licensed and free content to be shared among the educational community for the benefit of students. All the information bound by…

How Do U.S. Students Rank Internationally?

Harvard University has released a fascinating new report conducted by the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Government and Education Next. The report is called "Achievement Growth: International and U.S. State Trends in Student Performance,” and presents some very intriguing finds. The report, which charts the progress of the United States in closing the international education gap, estimates the learning gains of students in the United States and 48 other countries from 1995 to 2009. In addition, the study examines changes in student performance in 41 states within the United States between 1992 and 2…

Undocumented Students: What are Your State’s Policies?

Following President Obama's executive action to halt deportation on young, undocumented immigrants pursuing their education, people across the country are trying to find out how their own states handle immigration. One of the issues that has arisen regards undocumented students in higher education: How are admissions criteria affected? Are they eligible for financial aid?

The National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good surveyed the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (…

Josh Hoekstra and the Gamification of Education

Josh Hoekstra, a 39-year-old U.S. history teacher from Rosemont High School in Minneapolis, is revitalizing history education with his Teach with Tournaments method. U.S. history is one of American students’ worst performing subjects, and Josh wanted to give the topic the innovation it needed to inspire greater interest. Harnessing his students' enthusiasm for NCAA’s March Madness tournament, Josh created a passion-driven, competitive learning model that encouraged students to become personally connected with historical figures they st…

Who’s Who at This Year’s #140edu Conference

The #140edu Conference is an exciting and innovative gathering of people from all over the world to discuss the current state of education and the role of technology in revolutionizing the classroom. A focus of the conference is providing a platform for people on Twitter to connect with one another and listen to fascinating speakers, all the while exploring the ways that the Internet and social media are shaping the future.

This year’s conference will take place from July 31 through August 1 in New York City at the 92nd Street YMCA (1395 Lexington Avenue). The event will draw dozens of amazing speakers whom you should defini…