The Writing Corner

The Writing Corner: 6 Ways to Teach With Student Writing

Do yourself a favor right now: Start saving samples of students’ writing.

When I get a particularly good piece of student writing, I am usually so excited to get the graded paper back that I forget to ask if I can make a copy for myself to use for teaching. But when I do, it is so helpful.

The Writing Corner: How to Move Students Beyond Plot Summary

I guess I have some strong opinions when it comes to teaching.  I hate it when teachers only expect students to identify literary elements without explaining how they work, I think that smartphones are ruining teenagers, and I despise plot summaries.

The Writing Corner: How to Teach the Writing Process to Students

Good writers know that writing is a process.  It takes many steps to create a good final draft.

What is the writing process?

The Writing Corner: How To Do Writing Workshop With Your Classes

The idea of a whole class of students quietly writing, revising, peer conferencing, and working on writing that they care about is an image that I dreamt about for years.

I admit that although I started doing reading workshop with my classes over twelve years ago, it took me another nine years to get up the courage to try writing workshop.  Something about the lack of control, I guess.

The Writing Corner: Just Get Them Writing

Plenty of students hate writing. What’s my solution to this problem?

Get them writing more.