Choosing Your All-Time Classic Guide to College-Level Writing

If you are a college student, or a college professor, you may have noticed the crowded field of classic guides offering aspiring writers a complete system for improving composition skills. Here at we happen to sell lots of these books every day so we thought we’d check in on which writing books have made an impact over time. We did some digging and as it turns out, there are also quite a few well-recommended editions that you should take notice of beyond just the very popular Strunk and W…

Class Without Textbooks? Promises Free Textbook Replacement

Boundless, "the Free Textbook Replacement," is a revolutionary new service that is promising to completely redefine how students access information. "The future of educational content isn’t going to look anything like a textbook," says their website. Boundless collaborates with leading experts from Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Berkeley and others to vet and research the best Open Educational Resources (OER) in the world.

For over 20 years, leading educators and institutions have been creating high quality, openly licensed and free content to be shared among the educational community for the benefit of students. All the information bound by…

Teaching for Tests: Is it What’s Best for Our Students?

Teacher performance has become an incredibly scrutinized statistic in recent decades. With legislation such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), schools were supposedly given clear and measurable goals for boosting lagging teacher and student performance. In an analytics driven world, this type of performance review is common and helpful. What many have taken issue with, however, are the tools we use to judge this performance. NCLB has raised the stakes for standardized testing. These tests are what measure a district's performance against its neighbors, and a state’s performance against the other 49 states. Standardized tests are designed to ensure that each…

Are You a “Cool” Teacher?

Scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to the "cool" teacher quiz -- but first, some context:

The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) recently encouraged parents to demand their children be removed from classes taught by teachers who voice support for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, as reported in the Huffington Post.

IFI is a non-profit ministry whose mission is to "promote marriage, family, life and liberty in the Land of Lincoln" and is opposed to LGBT civil unions, mar…

As Higher Ed Changes, College Prep Starts Early

Having one meeting with a college counselor and taking a practice SAT exam just won’t cut it anymore as appropriate college prep for high school students. According to recent trends, higher competition and more college options are forcing students and teachers to rethink the way they approach college readiness. College Readiness Takes on New Meaning The increased cost of post-secondary school is fundamentally changing the way high school students and teachers view the college application process. It is no longer practical to look at college strictly as a time of well-rounded social and personal development; the costs are too high for this. Instead, colleges are beginning …

The Pros and Cons of Merit Based Pay for Teachers

A new study conducted as a joint effort by Harvard, the University of Chicago and UC San Diego has concluded that merit-based pay is an effective way to increase the performance and efficiency of teachers. Merit-based pay, or performance pay, as it is sometimes called, is a somewhat controversial practice that bases a teacher's salary on the success of their students. Merit-based pay …