Tablets to Replace Textbooks in Schools

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has announced that over the next decade, every school should replace their textbooks with tablets or e-reader devices. According to Education News, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is on board with this plan, having conducted studies on the cost effectiveness of this switch for schools. But despite the in…

What is Gifted and Talented?

According to the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), gifted people are defined as “those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude or competence in one or more domains.” Ultimately, educators aim to individualize education for all students so that no one falls significantly behind or, in the case of gifted students, becomes bored. Many public schools offer gifted and talented programs for students with exceptionally high aptitude in specific subject areas.   Identifying Gifted and Talented Students

Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

Today marks World Teachers’ Day, an annual day of teacher recognition begun by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994. It is a special day across the globe during which all teachers should be thanked for the important work that they do. Read on for more about the purpose of World Teachers’ Day, as well as ways that you can participate in the occasion.

Why World Teachers’ Day?

According to 


5 Special Education Blogs We Follow

In addition to being a great educator, teaching students with special needs requires a thorough understanding of the resources available to you as a special education teacher, including special education services, programs and tools. Special education blogs are an excellent way to connect parents and educators with one another, share information and help promote an understanding of special education in public schools. There are hundreds of special education bloggers out there, but here are five that you should keep an eye on: 1.) 


NBC News Education Nation 2012 Summit

NBC News held its very first Education Nation Summit in 2010, bringing together scores of parents, teachers, school officials, businesses, politicians, and others committed to addressing current issues in U.S. education and securing a bright future for American students. Since that first summit, Education Nation has gone on annual national tours throughout different cities, started


Understanding the Chicago Teacher’s Strike

The nearly two-week-long Chicago teachers’ strike has finally come to a close. The results: “a ‘half-loaf’ kind of day,” according to CNN, with educators and city officials not completely satisfied with the results of settled negotiations. What caused the teachers of the third-largest school district in the United States to strike? The main impetus behind it had to do with a newly proposed teacher evaluation system, job security and several other issues.