Guest Post

Teachers - How to Make Money over the Summer!

Woohoo! Summer is here. Well, for the moment it seems. Many of you will be delighted to take a break from teaching, however, for those saving for something special, or just at a loose end, summer can be a great time to earn a bit more cash.

Here are my top eight tips on how to earn extra money over the summer.

Making the Transition: How To Prepare High School Students for College (and Life)

Guest post by JT Ripton

As depicted in pop culture, college can be a fun and exciting time. However, it can also be incredibly frightening for high school students to think about. With so many factors to consider, it’s a teacher’s duty to help his or her students investigate different paths for growth as they prepare for higher learning.

Here’s a list of the top six ways to help your students better prepare themselves for a life outside of high school.


    Create a Community of Research Champs

    Thanks to the internet, many students aren’t entering libraries to do their research anymore. However, learning how to properly cite a source is still important. In the modern classroom, you should teach the ability to evaluate websites for authority, find the origi…

#TheyTaughtMe: Wendy Johnson’s Story

What has having a child with a disability taught me? When I was pregnant, we learned our son had a condition that included multiple defects and a profound neurological impairment that would ultimately shorten his lifespan. Becoming Miles’ mother taught me more about love and trust than I could have learned in all my years alive. Having Miles was a journey of faith in many ways — faith that we could get through this as a family, faith that we would find purpose in his life and faith that God was with me on this journey. One of the more tangible impacts Miles had on my life is my ability to walk in others’ shoes more readily. His disability and what it took to…

Twitter: Empowering Student Voices [Guest Post]

The timeless skill of effective communication is the anchor, which will enable students to successfully find and share their voice with the world through the power of words. As we celebrate Digital Learning Month in February, we must embrace the power of digital media and the impact it has upon our daily lives. Are you utilizing the incredible power of social-media in your classroom?

In a world of instant communication, our students have the opportunity to engage and share with a global audience on a daily basis. Teaching students how to be effective collaborators, interact globally, and build powerful networks, is both the social and academic benefit to Twitter in education. As society and technology changes, so does literacy. Can social media positively impact 21st century literacy-learning? Utili…