Education Technology

iPad Education Games

As we continue to incorporate the latest technological advances into every aspect of our daily lives, educators are looking to see how technology can be integrated into the classroom to enhance and expand student learning.

The iPad is one of the most popular technological innovations of recent years, in part because of its enormous selection of apps that people can use in virtually every area -- from personal finance and health to social networking and gaming.

In response to the importance of technology to education, numerous educational apps are being developed (often by teachers…

Filming Lessons for Certification

The standards for teachers are being raised again! The federal education acts No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, privately funded education initiatives like the Bill and Melinda Gates’ College Ready Promise, and countless other education reforms have impacted the way which teacher quality is assessed and valued in this country.

What used to be a process of one or two classroom visits by a school administrator has now turned into something exceptionally more rigorous -- and this evaluation process is beginning earlier than ever! No longer are teacher evaluations reserved for in-service teachers (i.e. those already employed as educators), but the pressures to p…

Teacher Appreciation Week News Round-Up

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. From May 7 to 11, Americans across the nation will be celebrating amazing teachers by honoring their contributions, selfless dedication and tireless work. While teachers should be thanked for their efforts every day of the year, Teacher Appreciation Week is a special time dedicated just for them. To celebrate, we have rounded up five news stories from this week that show how people are appreciating their teachers. New Jersey Launches Online Teacher Appreciation Initiatives Governor Christie …

The Story of Movies

In today’s world, being able to interpret, analyze and discuss moving images may be as important as knowing how to read. And having an opportunity to practice these skills in a classroom environment is one way that students could gain access to one of the most American art forms: movies. But many students are never explicitly taught these skills. As a part of popular culture, kids are assumed to “get” movies just by seeing them. That is why The Film Foundation has created The Story of Movies, a free middle school curriculum that teaches literacy in moving images.

What Do Kids Lea…


Reasons for Becoming a Teacher

Every teacher devotes his or her life to education for reasons as individual to them as any other part of their identity. Still, it usually isn’t the money, and it isn’t the three-month summer vacation. Reasons for becoming a teacher are deeper than that, and while they are personal, they are almost all united by the desire to impact peoples’ lives. There is a

STEM Initiatives in Illinois

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -- STEM subjects, as they are commonly called -- are the cornerstones of an evolving culture. As medical, technological and scientific breakthroughs continue to advance our society, the economy relies more heavily on industries that specialize in these fields. This has led to an increased demand for STEM-literate working professionals in the job market, and the education system has responded by placing greater emphasis on STEM subjects in schools.

In an attempt to increase the quality of education and raise awareness of STEM issues, many states have enacted programs that foster interest in students and encourage them to pursue c…