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Teach100 - Kindergartenlife
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#423: Kindergartenlife

I have the pleasure of being a Kindergarten teacher in Vermont. I have been teaching for 25 + years. During my teaching career I have worked with 1st through 4th grade. I am now embarking on a new journey… Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is like a breath of fresh air everyday. Young children are curious and great observers. They naturally look for patterns, similarities and make connections spontaneously. Kindergartenlife was designed and created by me with these ideas in mind. I love the daily energy and excitement that children bring each day. This genuine interest and love for learning is what I enjoy the most. Through a young child’s natural ability to seek out understanding I try to capture this idea to help promote the love of learning.

I use a variety of technologies that help to engage, enhance and inspire children to want to pursue their ideas. I have found that once you are inspired to learn, you learn how to learn through your ideas about what you understand. Blogging, wikis, voicethreads, podcasting, ePals and SKYPE are just a few of the technologies that I use to promote the love of learning in Kindergarten.

I value collaboration and innovation. The world is changing so fast and the tools that are available to support, enhance and engage from a teaching view are endless. I look forward to making connections with others who are also interested in making a difference in how children learn.

I believe in innovation and collaboration. I feel that as a teacher of young children I have a unique opportunity to help promote the idea of becoming a safe and responsible digital citizen in the world. I have created many blogs and wikis for this very purpose.

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