3 Common Myths About eLearning Debunked

If you still think that eLearning is about reading books online and enrolling some free courses, you are making a huge mistake. Today, eLearning is about getting a real degree with no necessity of visiting a brick-and-mortar university or college.

With the increasing popularity of informational technologies in all spheres of social life, it was easy to predict that sooner or later, they would affect the process of getting an education as well. Today, every single person from any country can get an education without spending money on moving to another city or even country.

There are a huge number of options that allow studying for free which makes eLearning one of the best things in education that happened for the past few years. It means, that even people from the most remote countries can still get a chance for a better education. And everything they need to have is a computer and Internet connection.

As online teaching becomes more are more popular, more myths will inevitably start to appear. In this article, we are going to debunk 3 of the most popular rumors that might have prevented you from giving a try to eLearning.

Myth: eLearning programs are too easy

Truth: Today, eLearning programs are developed in such a way to satisfy the preferences of all students. They are even more varied than traditional programs at the university or college. You can always choose a program that corresponds to your needs and expectations.

Others believe that  eLearning is still be too easy because you do not need to complete any home assignments or write any papers but that is simply untrue. The curriculum is the same like in a campus-based college program. You listen to the lectures, visit seminars, write essays, work on research papers, do your home assignments, etc. with the small difference of not meeting your professor or lecturer in the audience but in a webinar room.

Myth: eLearning is not interactive

Truth: Every time you start to worry about interaction in eLearning, another new application appears that offers more and more possible ways to communicate with other students and lecturers with ease. Today, there is a huge number of platforms that help to conduct webinars and discussions, many free messengers that allow you to contact people from all over the world, and even programs where professors may check your real-time activity.

Some students admit that eLearning is becoming so interactive and has so many options, that many colleges and universities have also started to implement these practices. Thus, you should not think that eLearning is all about being disconnected and sitting behind a computer. It has a huge number of features to surprise you.

Myth: eLearning has lower quality of education

Truth: When the first options of getting an education online appeared, the quality was a little bit lower than in real universities. The problem was that most of the colleges and universities did not understand how to conduct and translate lessons into an online space. In addition, there weren’t that many apps and software tools that could assist in supplementing these lessons. However, during the past few years, the situation has changed significantly. Today, online education reveal more and more potential. In the recent years, universities have started to invite famous lecturers, professors, and businessmen to conduct online courses, attracting more students enroll in them.

Do you still have some prejudice concerning eLearning? I hope that I’ve managed to debunk these common myths of online education. While online learning may not be for everyone, its benefits are still plentiful. If you are not sure that eLearning is for you, it might be a good idea to start off with enrolling in a few free courses. If eLearning is a match for you, you can join one of the many eLearning programs that universities offer today.

Christina Battons is a blogger and creative writer who helps people and students succeed at writing, education, blogging, and more by sharing with them my knowledge. She shares a bunch of her interesting ideas and content at ChristyBattons.com. She is also an active guest writer at many websites. You can join her on social media. She'll be happy to hear you, just drop her a line!

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