Are Sports Good or Bad for Schools? by Peter DeWitt

As an elementary school principal you would think that sports do not have a large impact on what we do during the day, but they do. Students play kickball and two-hand touch football out at recess, and treat those games as though they are playing in the World Series or the Super Bowl. Some of the games get a bit out of control and we end up talking about good sportsmanship.

I love recess. There is a great deal of research on the necessity of recess. I'm not a fan of taking it away for disciplinary reasons and believe that all students should be outside for at least 30 minutes a day. Getting fresh air in all sorts of weather can offer students a much needed brain break.

But what happens when student academics takes a back seat to our fascination with sports?


What the Government Shutdown Means for Education

With so many federal government workers facing furloughs because of the recent government shutdown, one must pause and wonder how shutdowns affect the education system, which receives funding from federal, state and local sources.


The Counterproductive Ways Schools Punish Kids…

This blog was originally published on Finding Common Ground at Education Week by Peter DeWitt on September 24th, 2013 5:42 AM

As educators, we should also make su…


China Looking to US for Hands-On Science Instruction

When it comes to science and mathematics education, the United States has often ranked low compared to our educational counterparts in Asian countries like Japan and South Korea. However, China has started to look to the United States for something that their science curriculum has been lacking: hands-on activities. According to Education News, in an effort to improve their higher education systems, China is working to improve what is lacking in early education institutions. With a past shift on standardized testing, China is starting to realize the higher value in practices that include more practical and hands…

Keeping Students in School

It is common knowledge that attendance is crucial to school success, with chronic absenteeism negatively impacting students’ grades and even serving as an indicator of future dropouts. However, it is not just truant students who are “at risk.” Students who miss a lot of school due to le…

Should Children Really Be Expected to Have Grit?

This blog was originally published on Finding Common Ground at Education Week by Peter DeWitt on September 10th 2013 at 5:46 AM